Welcome to LPB Roof Spaces Developments Limited.
LPB Roof Spaces Developments Limited (the Company) was incorporated in July 2021 to act as a co-investor with freeholders of blocks of flats offering to work together to identify and make planning applications where the new relaxed permitted development planning rules have presented opportunities.
The Companies directors and associates are very experienced property professionals with extensive contacts in the south west London area and are able to put that expertise to good use for the Company.
The new permitted development rights essentially allow the owner of the roof space above a residential building to extend upwards, making such space very valuable indeed.
LPB developments works with any stakeholder who has title to a roof space – to perform a basic assessment of what might be required to secure that space in terms of legal title. Having secured the position, LPB Developments then works with the owner of the roof space to serve and relevant legal notices and to make formal planning applications for the site (the roof space).
Having obtained the consents required, LPB Developments will work with the roof space owner to either develop the opportunity together, or to sell the roof space to a developer.
LPB Developments shares in the upside of the process – essentially on a no win no fee arrangement for the owners of a roof space.
The Company has issued a limited funding opportunity of £400,000 10% Bond 2023/4. Only qualifying debenture holders of the group of companies that owns LPB Developments are permitted to hold or invest into the Bonds.